art credit


bangalore (anita williams)


out again, practically flying from rooftop to rooftop, jumpdrive being used to cross larger distances. the sight of a young adult catapulting herself through the air with ease surely a strange one.
but beauty and grace found it's way into everything loba did, ironic considering how she managed to grow up. on her own since the age of eight, no other family to take care of her; but she managed to make it work, she had been fine all these years so far.
tonight was about to change that for her, throwing her jumpdrive a little too far and ending up in a lush forest. unsurprising considering she had decided to spend today on kings canyon. scrounging up enough credits to take a flight over, she wanted to see what this place had to offer after all.careful steps now as she trekked through, trying her best to take in her new surroundings. a few more steps, too busy watching her own feet to see a wild animal in front of her; a wolf. the creature reminded her of home, of her parents. she would dare take slow steps closer, hand slowly reaching out for the wolf to sniff if it pleased.the creature would, much bigger than an average wolf as it stepped closer and closer to loba, it's own head being level with hers. also meaning it was about 5"3 without standing on it's hind legs. slightly alarming but loba would think nothing of it, she was just happy to be this close to a magnificent beast.a wet, and cold, nose would connect with loba's palm. it would then sniff, nose trailing up her arm and stopping where clothing covered a scar, gently poking then looking to loba again.
the thief's head tilting, more than a little confused. " you want to see it? i have more than just that one you know, but alright, you can see. " then slowly, her other hand would raise, rolling up the sleeve covering her left arm and revealing a very nasty and ugly scar.
" we can't be beautiful all the time, can we? " the wolf would nod at loba, soon lifting it's head after examining the thief's scar; watching loba with soft, inviting eyes. instinctively, as if she were this wolf's family, loba would reach out. left hand, where her scar belonged further up her arm, slowly brushing fur out of the way to reveal a similarly nasty scar. " you have one too. . " she would utter, feeling a strange sense of comfort in the current moment; maybe her and this beast weren't so different.the wolf's head would lower, having given loba more than enough time to do her own examining. it would then sniff again, head lowering to nudge the black market staff holstered on her hip." my staff? it was a gift from my parents, the last thing they ever gave me. " the wolf could sense the grief in loba, head leveling with her once more before gently pressing it's forehead to hers; to which loba would reciprocate, sniffling slightly as she felt dampness on her cheeks, voice soft and slightly broken sounding, " thank you, amable lobo. "a moment or two of comfort before the wolf would notice the tattoo on loba's chest, golden eyes locked onto it.
nervousness creeping up loba's spine now, her own hazel eyes bever leaving the creature. " i-it's my tattoo, do you not like it? "
suddenly, as if she had been sucked into some type of fantasy novel, the wolf would speak to her; mouth unmoving but golden eyes now glowing as they locked onto loba's own eyes. " you have the heart of a wolf in you, child. you remind me of a pup i lost, and i sense i remind you of a mother you lost, perhaps a father too. "
loba would go wide eyed, not believing what was happening. some ethereal voice in her head, a voice that belonged to the wolf in front of her. through her shock and amazement, she would nod, that sadness creeping back again as she realised her and the wolf's circumstances.
" i can help you, help you protect yourself and any other loved ones from any evils that may want to harm you. " a pause from the wolf, head lowering; presumably wanting to touch foreheads again as it closed it's eyes. " do you accept, young wolf? "it would take a minute, a few actually, before loba would manage to think of an answer. yes, of course she didn't want to lose anyone ever again, and having the ability to become the creature she looked to for any sort of guidance? it only felt right.
" i accept. " would be loba's response, touching her forehead to the wolf's and closing her eyes, ready for whatever came next.
she thought she was ready, but to this day nothing could describe the pain she felt in those minutes of transformation, even if she were wrapped in a soft golden glow. around an hour would pass, the wolf never leaving loba's side. slowly, loba would awaken, shakily standing on what would now be four paws, taking a moment to gain balance before her eyes would open." welcome, child. " the wolf would utter, carefully watching over loba like a mother would her child.
loba's own eyes would meet the wolf's, staring for a moment. soon staring at the moon instead, it's reflection glistening in now golden, glowing hues.


(black widow/winter soldier inspired)

kidnapped by a simulacrum, revenant, when she was eight years old, loba had then been sent to a hydra owned testing facility based on her genetic potential. mother and father being offered hush money to keep quiet about the whole event, both being killed soon afterwards because of how close loba's mother was to finding out the truth, not wanting to take any chances with her father either.and so for the next 20 years, she was trained, experimented on, rewired, reprogrammed and turned into a killing machine that doubled as a sleeper agent, should she become 'defective'. she would then be sent on several assassination missions, missions that would be successful; which was good, for the people in charge at least, the psychological damage would prove to be irreversible for loba.but she would managing to escape, making it her mission to ensure no other girls were subjugated to the same horrors that she had lived through, not wanting any of them to go through the same torture she did..however, she would have an enhanced soldier sent after her upon agreeing to kill the person in charge of the 'black wolf project', the attempt unsuccessful this time, but she would then be taken in, to the apex games she was told, a bloodsport. she hadn't realised it just yet but, she would have a family again, she wouldn't feel like a monster anymore. well, not as much as she did before.a moment to relax, or so she thought. finding out that her previous efforts were in vain, she would vow to finally put an end to the black wolf project. and she eventually would, with the help of her new found family, forever grateful that they agreed to her almost suicidal-sounding plan.finally given her time to rest, the simulacrum that had ended her parents strangely nowhere to be found; the thought of him appearing and 'reactivating' her, in a sense, constantly keeping her on edge.can you truly ever be rid of your past?